A Remote Raspberry in the Pi

by zemion

Switching on and off a Raspberry Pi can be a pain in the ass quite discomforting, with all the shutdown, waiting and pulling the power cord either directly from the Pi or the wall outlet, given you even have access.

A small expansion board can make your life a lot more comfortable.

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How images excel in Excel®

by zemion
Posted in Tech Talk

Sometimes, the smallest problems call for the most complicated solutions. And sometimes, these solutions can be quite "hacky".

Ever have tried to insert an image into Microsoft Excel® and print it? Then you know what I'm talking about ...

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Get your foot(er) on the ground!

by zemion
Posted in HTML, CSS, JS

When setting up this blog, I ran into a simple but common problem with the original theme: the footer was floating "mid-air" when the content was shorter than the page height.

The desired solution should not nail the footer to the bottom (fixing it, thus alway showing it independently of scrolling). Also, I was looking (for the n-th time) a CSS-only solution (well, including the necessary HTML sctructure).

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Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing ...

by zemion
Posted in Uncategorised

... the first post on this site. I'd like to take the chance to tell you something about the purpose of this blog.

Recently I felt the need ... the need for speed to scribble down stuff I think might be useful to others out there having similar ideas and struggling with similar problems.

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